
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Best Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter

Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter

Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter

Cheap and Great Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter, Very easy to setup and operate!.

Our Customer Rating :Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter
If you are finding information about the Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter or Find Hot Deals and bargain prices on Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter. Don't wait ,Here you will find the absolute best price. Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter We offer this product at a low cost, quality and service , Available In Stock Compare Price. Ships from and sold by amazon store in 24 hours.

Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter
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Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter

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Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter

Wagan Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter is designed to jump-start the car in a quick and easy way. It is used by simply connecting one end of the easy quick jumper to the 12-volt cigarette lighter of the 'dead' car and then plug the other end into the 12-volt cigarette lighter of the donor's car. Then let the Wagan Tech Automatic Power Charging system do its work! The red LED indicator lights lets one know of the charging status and once charged the green LED light will light up to let you know. It's that easy! There are no dials, no switches, and no buttons. It comes with an extra long heavy gauge 18 feet power cord for added mobility and convenience.

Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter Feature

  • Charges batteries by connecting cigarette lighter to cigarette lighter
  • Works with all 12-volt automobile vehicles (standard voltage)
  • Charges a weak battery in 5 to 10 minutes
  • Green LED light glows when the battery is recharged eliminating guesswork
  • Extra-long 18-foot power cord makes it easy to reach from car to car

Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter Specifications

Jump-starting a car using standard jumper cables can be nerve-racking. You have to pop the hood, deal with the battery connections, untangle the cables. Plus, it's so easy to doubt yourself. Red is positive, right? Wait, or is it black? Well, thanks to Wagan's new Easy Quick Jumper, the process just got easier. This clever new gadget recharges a weak battery via cigarette lighters. Just plug one end of the Easy Quick Jumper into the cigarette lighter of the dead car, then plug the other end into the donor car's lighter, wait 5 to 10 minutes, and when the green LED light turns on, the battery is ready to go. That's it. You don't even have to open the hood. The Easy Quick Jumper has an 18-foot power cord, too, so reach isn't an issue.

The system works with all automobiles that have 12-volt electrical systems, the vast majority of cars on the road. If you're not sure about you car's voltage, check your owner's manual. --Jon Groebner

Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter

Wagan EL9796 Easy Quick Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter

Available at Amazon Buy Now!

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